Presentation settings
  • 30 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

Presentation settings

Article summary

Presentation settings in EFFECTS influence how results are displayed, although they typically do not impact the calculation results themselves. Here are the key aspects of the presentation settings:

Coordinate system

The coordinate system is the most critical field within the presentation settings. It defines the projection system used for the map display, ensuring that all geographical data is correctly oriented and scaled.

Coordinate system list selection

Contour levels

Contour levels can be customised for various parameters, including:

  • Heat radiation: Used in fire models.

  • Peak overpressure: Used in explosion models.

  • Concentration: Used in dispersion models.

  • Lethality: Applicable to all models that calculate lethality (i.e., fire, explosion and dispersion models).

Concentration contour levels

Standard concentration levels can be selected from a predefined list. These concentration thresholds will be used as levels for:

Selecting concentration contour levels

Heat, pressure and lethality contour levels

The numerical values for contour levels can be customised using the list editor. To modify these values:

  • Click the browse button next to the contour levels list.

  • Type the desired value.

  • Use the <Add> button to add to the list.

  • Values can be replaced or deleted after the addition of a specific value.

  • Use the <↑> and <↓ > buttons to adjust the order of the values.

Adding heat radiation contour levels

Customise grid

The colour legend for various grids can be set, including:

  • Lethality grids: Resulting from toxic and heat radiation damage calculations.

  • Heat radiation grids: Resulting from pool fire and jet fire model calculations.

Adjusting the colour legend of a grid

Colour palette

The colour palette setting defines the colours used in the graph displays of models and comparison sets. This setting allows for visual customisation to better interpret and differentiate results within the graphs.

By configuring these presentation settings, users can tailor the display of their results to better suit their analysis needs and preferences.

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