- 05 Aug 2024
- 1 Minute to read
Analysis points
- Updated on 05 Aug 2024
- 1 Minute to read
An "Analysis Point" in RISKCURVES allows users to perform a detailed risk contribution analysis at specific user-defined coordinates. This functionality is essential for understanding how different scenarios impact specific locations.
Key functionality
Risk ranking per scenario
Each analysis point provides a risk ranking per scenario based on the risk contribution at that location.
The ranking includes Individual Risk, Consequence Risk, and if Societal Risk Maps are activated, societal risk contribution for that location.
Societal Risk fN graph
Illustrates all scenarios affecting that analysis point.
Shows the severity of societal risk at that location.
These location-specific fN graphs are the basis for the Societal Risk Maps.
Visualization on a map
Analysis points are displayed on the map when the "analysis point" node is selected in the project tree or when the "Show equipment locations" toolbar option is activated.
Defining an Analysis Point
An analysis point can be added to any calculation or cumulation set because an analysis point can be defined from any calculation illustrating iso-risk contours. Here are the steps to define an analysis point:
Open the map view in RISKCURVES.
Right-click on the <Analysis Point> node in the project tree or directly on the map when a calculation set is selected.
Select "Add Analysis Point" from the context menu.
Pinpoint the exact coordinate on the map where the analysis point is to be defined.
Execute calculation.

Scenario contributions
For combined Loss of Containment (LoC) scenarios, a single scenario might consist of multiple events, each contributing differently. This is listed in the phenomenon-specific table as:
[FIRE]: Contribution from fire events.
[EXPLOSION]: Contribution from explosion events.
[TOXICS]: Contribution from toxicevents.
By following these steps, users can efficiently add and utilize analysis points in RISKCURVES to gain insights into risk contributions from various scenarios at specific locations. This helps in better risk management and decision-making.