Imported calculations to handle large QRAs
  • 05 Jul 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read

Imported calculations to handle large QRAs

Article summary

Managing large Quantitative Risk Assessments (QRAs) in RISKCURVES can be streamlined by dividing them into smaller, more manageable sets and then combining them into one comprehensive file. The imported calculations feature facilitates this process by:

  • Organizing project scenarios: Prevents clutter by managing numerous scenarios within a complete site study.

  • Maintaining clarity: Avoids confusion about which part corresponds to what within the project.

  • Reducing file size: Helps prevent the creation of excessively large result files.

  • Facilitating division: Allows for breaking down complex sites into manageable units (e.g., separation section, reformer, cooling, power generation).

  • Enhancing comprehension: Conducting the study in partial projects provides a clear list of equipment and distinct units for easier understanding.


Certain conditions must be met to import calculations successfully:

  • The imported calculation must have a risk result.

  • The imported calculation must have the same meteorological "classes".

  • Consequence risk results will only be combined if the choices and threshold levels are identical.

  • Societal risk maps cannot be combined from two different projects as they might reflect different populations.

How to import RISKCURVES calculation results

  • Initiate import

    • Right-click at the "Imported calculations" node and select <Import calculation>.

    • A Project import wizard window will open. Press <Next> to open the file location.

  • Select file

    • Browse to the folder with the project file containing results from an additional or neighbouring part of the current study and select the .RISX file.

    • Press <Open> to start the import process.

  • Handle warnings

    • The import wizard may give warnings about possible inconsistencies due to reasons such as:



Differing cell size

The combination in a cumulation set (used later) will

potentially "resample" imported grids to the current definition.

Separation of risk results by more than 50 km

Warning will be shown

Differing wind distribution probabilities

Warning will be shown

Different environment definitions

Warning will be shown

Different vulnerability settings

Warning will be shown

Project modifications after the calculation

Warning will be shown

Calculation with a different software version

Warning will be shown

Different population definitions

Warning will be shown

  • Press < Next> or <Yes> to continue and accept warnings.

  • Finalizing import

    • After a successful import, the components which have been reported will be listed.

    • To maintain traceability, replace the default name with a descriptive name.

Importing the .RSCX file
  • Results: All imported results can now be selected and incorporated within a Cumulation set, adding up these results to other (sub) selections. To do so:

    • In a cumulation set note you can select which scenario you want to combine together.

    • Create a cumulation set by right-clicking on the <Cumulation sets> node and selecting ‘‘Add cumulation set’’

    • Select the results from the list in the inputs panel that you want to combine together.

Cumulation set selection

By following these steps, users can efficiently manage and analyze large QRAs in RISKCURVES, ensuring organized and comprehensible risk assessments. This approach not only enhances clarity and efficiency but also ensures that all scenarios and their respective contributions are effectively integrated into a comprehensive risk analysis.

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