- 05 Aug 2024
- 3 Minutes to read
User interface
- Updated on 05 Aug 2024
- 3 Minutes to read
I cannot open my file and I get error D5038. What can I do?
The file is corrupted.
How to avoid damaging project files:
Do not copy any text to the project file (when renaming nodes).
Do not use special characters when renaming project nodes.
How do I change the colours of my graphs and contours?
When you right-click on the profile graph, a pop-up menu will appear with several options: Copy, Freeze, Print, Export, and Properties. Selecting <Properties> opens the built-in graphic editor, where you can customize various graph settings. This includes properties like titles, colours, and a legend. For more detailed information, refer to the Graphs article.
To modify contour properties, such as colours, transparency, and filling, you can access the associated pop-up by double-clicking on the layer. Within this pop-up, you can make basic adjustments. For more advanced modifications, you can access additional properties through the expert dialogue in the bottom left corner of this pop-up. For a more detailed explanation, please refer to the Map article.
How do I reset all contour settings?
You can reset the contour settings within the same pop-up window used for adjusting colours, transparency, and filling. To access this pop-up, double-click on the layer. Once opened, you will find the reset button located in the bottom-right corner of the pop-up window.
How do I rearrange the order of my contours?
To reorder layers click on a layer, hold (to activate functionality) and drag the layers in the preferred order. Please, refer to the reordering part in the Map article for a more detailed explanation
What can I do if the chemical substance of interest is not in the chemical database?
It is possible to create a new customised chemical or mixture in a user database. To learn how to create a new chemical record and utilize the user database, please refer to the articles which provide comprehensive instructions on these processes:
After opening old projects some of my scenarios are red. What should I do?
This indicates that certain input parameters have been modified or added, and currently, they are empty and your model looks similar to the project below.
Why is the model red? It is usually caused by updating the software version of RISKCURVES or opening older file versions in newer software versions. These changes in the models are aimed at enhancing their accuracy and providing a better approximation of reality with our modelling tools.
How to fix this:
Select the model in red.
Find the red parameter and enter the value for this parameter.
How can I specify the graph's dimensions in the expert dialogue to avoid issues with resolution?
Editing is the same as in any other graph:
Right-click on the graph in expert dialogue. A pop-up menu will appear with several options.
Select <Properties> opens the built-in graphic editor, where you can customize various settings of the graph including the graph's dimensions. Please refer to the article including working with expert dialogue in Graphs.
Why can't I see my contours?
This situation can arise due to the following reasons:
The contour is not selected in the legend on the right.
To do: Review, which contours are selected in legend and try to present the contours one by one to see if one is really missing.
The contour is covered by another contour.
The contour level is not defined in the Presentation settings.
To do: Go to presentation settings. Some models, for instance, dispersion models allow the definition of concentration directly in the model. Double-check if the concentration level is also defined correctly in the model.
The level of the contour was not reached, therefore the contour can not be displayed.
No action is required. In the log status, the model will provide a warning informing you about related contours, if the concentration level is not reached such as in npicture below.